Dré Gail

Dré Gail

Meet Dré Gail aka Babydoll of Babydoll Tattoos. After a long relationship with art, Babydoll Tattoos was born out of a simple desire - to tattoo one’s knuckles. Dré had a love for the movie Sucker Punch and identified with the character, Babydoll’s, descent into dreamy fight scenes at times of discomfort. 

While exploring appearance modification, Dré wanted to tattoo “baby” and “doll” on her knuckles but her resumé at the time did not accommodate such tattoos. Wanting to maintain employment, and with her qualifications thus far landing mainly in the corporate professional world - she decided to build her own empire that suited her own wants and needs and to spread that empowerment to others. 

She created a job that would allow her the flexibility to express her creativity in a financially beneficial way. On a deeper level, after struggling with severe body dysmorphia and a feeling of displeasure within her own skin, Dré changed the means by which she tried to take control of her body. Rather than starving, belittling and hating - she embraced it with art. Treating her body as a partner and an expression of her experiences was therapeutic and a love for tattoos began. Her dream grew and she transferred her artistic education, corporate experience, and empathic nature, to tattooing. 

Babydoll Tattoos intends to offer all clients an opportunity to embrace their bodies and physical appearances in which ever way they choose and coach them through the process. Tattoos are a personal and often spiritual experience and as an artist, Dré respects and appreciates her involvement in such an intimate experience. The client’s comfort and individual needs are put first and foremost by our skilled artist and she holds her artists to the same standards, hunting out employees who share her values and can embrace the shop philosophy. 


Riley Maten