Riley Maten

Riley Maten

I have always had deep roots as an artist. Growing up, I dabbled in graffiti, painting canvases, and made handcrafted stickers to sell at school. However, I had to put the reality of being a career artist on the back burner for years due to life on life’s terms; but gratefully, I continued to draw for fun and paint canvases for my homies. It wasn’t until I had a tattoo machine in my hand that I realized my childhood dream of pursuing art could become a reality.

I quit my stable job in the family business and followed my passion by teaching myself how to tattoo. When I was given the opportunity to work in a shop with a creative and encouraging atmosphere, I was able to learn and truly excel at my craft. Since then, I have achieved many milestones along the road to becoming the artist I hope to be in the future.

Until then, I will stay humble and grateful to all the artists and clients who have been with me on this journey, and continue to be there as I grow.


Dre Gail (aka Babydoll)


Lisa Bond